Are You Ready For Transformation?

Are You Ready For Transformation?

First, what is the meaning of transformation?

“a complete change in someone or something”

There are many reasons why someone would go through a transformation, it could be a physical transformation or a transformation of character.

You may have past trauma that you are ready to heal, or you may be going through some traumatic issues, and you are coming out the other side stronger than you were before.

Sometimes someone just feels the need for change and the urge inside for something different brings about the transformation desired.

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When transformation happens through something traumatic in life, it can bring around positive changes, they realise how precious life is, and it then everything becomes more meaningful or meaningless.

Going through the loss of a loved one, divorce, or serious illness can bring about significant personal development, they find strength they never realised they had, an appreciation for life and the people around them.

You see life through different eyes, what’s important becomes clearer, the realization that life is very delicate, you begin to feel more aware of everything.

A sense of waking up and realising who you are, this is where the transformation begins.

In this life we are forever changing and transforming, whether we like it or not, when you fight change, this is when you become stuck, whether that be mentally or physically.

If we  just embrace the changes, surrender to it, our lives can become truly magical, be like the butterfly, and believe the best is yet to come.

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty”

As you look at your life today, appreciate what you have gone through to get to where you are now, or recognise the changes you have made in the past, or maybe the changes you should make for your future. 

We don’t need to have gone through some sort of trauma to realise how amazing life is, to go through a transformation, to become a happier, healthier, more driven version of yourself, you just need to open your eyes, be aware of the wonders of the world and most of all, the wonderful human being you see in the mirror.

The true transformation comes when you begin to love and accept yourself for who you are, not for who people expect you to be.

There is a moment when you just know its time, a moment when you know there is just no going back from here.

This is the “AHA” moment people talk so much about, when you know you know.

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Everyone has different reasons for that moment of realization when you become so aware of your surroundings, how everything around you affects you and your life.

Whether that be relationships, eating habits, old ways of thinking, you begin to let them go, you are finally ready to create space for the new to come in.

It takes time, don’t rush it, it won’t happen overnight, you may go back and forth from new to old, until you finally listen to your gut, you will feel it screaming at you, every time you do something that is not in alignment with the person you truly are, the person your soul yearns to be.

You will begin listening, gradually, more and more, doing the things that feel good for your soul, that nurtures your spirit, and being. 

Allowing and processing everything you are going through, this is the time to be gentle with yourself, it is not easy facing your shadows, going deep, releasing old negative habits and emotions but when you go for it head on, you come out the other end a beautiful butterfly, ready to take on your new life, you are now in tune with your soul, your inner guidance.

You begin to walk differently, see things differently, people are more attracted to you, they wonder what has changed about you, and in your heart all you want is for everyone to feel what you feel, because you know how magical life really is if you just surrender to change.

One thing is that life will keep on changing, embrace it as it comes, welcome each stage of it to be truly happy, that is my advice to you.

It doesn’t have to be huge changes, but small steppingstones in the journey, to get you out of your comfort zone.

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Here are a few tips for self-improvement:


When you worry about the future and stress about the past you are missing out on the NOW, the past has gone, you cannot change it, the future has yet to be, so no point worrying about it, what you do have though, is this moment in time, when you appreciate what you have now and your current circumstances, you will realise how amazing it feels, you will never want to go back.

Look around at the simple things in life, nature, your family, friends and most importantly yourself, learn to love them.


The comfort zone is where most people live, well why would you want to leave it, its cozy there, no risk or danger, but this “comfort zone” we speak of, this is what holds so many people back from achieving their goals and dreams,

It takes a lot of courage to leave the comfort zone, it’s scary, but this is where growth takes place, when you gain new skills, you adapt and change, then you have a new comfort zone, this is you evolving and transforming, every step outside the coziness, you grow that little bit more, into the beautiful butterfly you have always dreamed of.


What do I mean by this? A person’s happy place is somewhere they think of or go to that puts them into a state of joy, calmness, it can give them a sense of being where they were always meant to be.

If you already have a “happy place” go there more, enjoy it, you will attract more of that feeling right there.

If you haven’t then my suggestion would be to meditate, centring yourself and aligning with your true self, during meditation is one of the most satisfying feelings you can have.,

Take it from me if you start on these tips, you will be transformed in no time, always remember Rome was not built in a day, tiny steps are key, enjoy the process, and know it won’t always be sunshine and rainbows, just keep going with it, ride the waves of life, and if you feel like quitting remember who is watching.

Get ready to be transformed, Be that Butterfly

How to utilise Mirthemp’s CBG Tincture 1,000mg Mint Flavor for your transformation

CBG is often referred to as the “mother” or “stem cell’ of all cannabinoids because all other cannabinoids are synthesized from it.
Because of its exclusive nature, very few manufacturers are even attempting to produce this cannabinoid. We are excited to offer CBG Tincture Drops (combined with MCT) and bring you some of the purest and most effective drops available!

  • Gets Your Mind Right
  • Promotes a Sense of Focus and Motivation
  • Supports a healthy Stress Response

Check the product here: Link

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